14, Dec 2016 15:45
【活動分享】高雄聖誕河畔市集暨國際移民日&來自墨西哥比娘大的聖誕體驗 Piñata with XMAS Market
Looking for a fantastic Christmas atmosphere? Soak up the sights, smells and sounds as you wander around the market with Kaohsiung love riverside.
台北法國市集沒法國? 高雄聖誕河畔異國市集要您好看,不用遠到法國,不用坐高鐵到台北,只要來到苓雅區,由這群外國人、新住民和落地生根的新移民族群一起讓您享受到真正道地的異國風情味與聖誕氣氛伴隨著美麗的愛河畔旁。
2016年12月17-18日 ( 週末六日)14:00 – 21:00pm
X’mas Riverside Market with International Migrants Day
地點: MORE WORLD 門口前
還在等待甚麼 ! 週末何去處!趕緊來愛河畔邊一起歡樂聖誕前夕,
The purpose of this market is to promote exotic business and let people realize more about exotic culture, helping the new habitants, foreigners and new imigrants find a sense of beloning and immerse themselves in the local life, which will also make them be willing to know more about Taiwan and nurture their children in this land. At the same time, the local people will learn more about the versatility and vitality of exotic culture, whihc will increase the value to exotic cultural industry, and hence the exotic business will become more vigorous.The market has collected businesses from different counries with an aim to drawing people’s attention. Good products will have more opportunities to be seen, and thus this will spread exotic cultures and decrease culture shock and misunderstanding.
來自墨西哥比娘大的聖誕體驗 Piñata with XMAS Market
皮納塔 Piñata (發音:比娘大 ) n字上頭還躺著一隻毛毛蟲唷!建議用西班牙文發音…,一種極具拉丁風味的節慶玩具。通常用色彩鮮豔的紙張,紮成造型獨特的玩偶或人物,在中空的紙偶當中,塞滿糖果或玩具。慶祝活動的主人翁,則需要矇住雙眼,手持棍棒,想辦法瞄準掛在樹枝或天花板上的Piñata打去,直到裡頭的糖果或玩具「破偶而出」灑了滿地,便是活動的最高潮了。
在拉丁美洲已經流行數百年的Piñata,至今仍然是孩子生日、耶誕節、復活節這些時候,最具節慶氣氛的玩具之一。當然Piñata的由來還有很多說法與故事,雖然說有多種傳說以及來自各地不同的故事說法,無論如何將在在12/17 日 下午 3點邀請大朋友小朋友一起來體驗這異國風情的慶祝方式!這次活動由Las Adelitas 墨西哥風味的皮納塔 Piñata要給現場帶來什麼驚喜的造型?敬請期待 !
A piñata (/pɪnˈjɑːtə/ pin-yah-tə, Spanish pronunciation: [piˈɲata] ) is a container often made of papier-mâché, pottery, or cloth; it is decorated, and filled with small toys or candy, or both, and then broken as part of a ceremony or celebration. Piñatas are commonly associated with Mexico. The idea of breaking a container filled with treats came to Europe in the 14th century, where the name, from the Italian pignatta, was introduced. The Spanish brought the European tradition to Mexico, although there were similar traditions in Mesoamerica, such as the Aztecs’ honoring the birthday of the god Huitzilopochtli in mid December. According to local records, the Mexican piñata tradition began in the town of Acolman, just north of Mexico City, where piñatas were introduced for catechism purposes as well as to co-opt the Huitzilopochtli ceremony. Today, the piñata is still part of Mexican culture, the cultures of other countries in Latin America, as well as the United States, but it has mostly lost its religious character.
Special thanks Las Adelitas to provide the Mexican style Piñata to celebrating X’mas market.
The annual Kaohsiung Christmas Market is coming, which will be located at Love River. Christmas is the warmest festival in a year, and the Christmas Market hopes to deliver happiness and warmness to everyone. This market also involves the concept of International Migrants Day. Once people walk by the riverside, they will feel a strong sense of Christmas festival. Let’s share our new year’s resolution and make a perfect ending for 2016.
- 【台中。外埔】石頭公園生態休閒農場。廢墟風熱門打卡景點。電影拍攝景點。空拍攝影分享
- 【台中。后里】全台十大必賞落羽松秘境之一。泰安落羽松。羽粼落羽松。空拍視野分享
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- 【台東。卑南】車泊旅行。星光小棧。星空銀河。百萬夜景。視野遼闊。遠眺台東綠島
- 【宜蘭。頭城】車泊旅行。大里漁港。大里海堤。海景第一排。眺望龜山島的療癒小站
- 【新北。貢寮】車泊旅行。福隆東興宮。福隆漁港。視野遼闊。水廁乾淨方便